Did you know that our insecurities are based on fear? Fear of... rejection, of being alone, of being unimportant, of betrayal, fear of being replaced, of disrespect, of being hurt, fear of pain of any sort. Our insecurities/fears will isolate us... give us ulcers, hurt relationships, and keep us from opportunities.
This kind of fear is such a waste of time... but I can't think of one person that doesn't go through it.
In Beth Moore's book So Long, Insecurity you've been a bad friend to us. She makes a great point on truly trusting God. On page 323 she states...
I used to think that the essence of trusting God was trusting that He wouldn't allow my fears to become realities. Without realizing it, I mostly trusted God to do what I told Him. If He didn't, I was thrown for a total loop. Over more time than should have been necessary, a couple realizations finally dawned on me about this thing I was calling trust: 1) It wasn't the real thing. 2) It constantly failed to treat the core issue. Trusting God to never let fears come to fruition doesn't get to the bottom of where insecurity lurks. It's too conditional. It suggest that if any of our terrors come to pass, God is not trustworthy after all. If, like me, you tend to think that the essence of trust is counting on God to obey you, go ahead and wave bye-bye from a country mile to any semblance of lasting stability. If we can't count on God, for crying out loud, who can we count on? In the words of Isaiah 33:6, "He is your constant source of stability."
She goes on to say...
When we set certain conditions for trust, we offer the enemy of our souls the perfect playground for toying with our minds. No he can't read our thoughts, but he can certainly study our behaviors. He figures out what we are most afraid of, and then he taunts us unmercifully.
In order to have that true stability from God, we have to drop the conditions off our trust and determine that God will take care of us! He will take care of us no matter what!
If we want to become secure, it starts with changing our mind-set. We have to take claim of our thoughts, know the promises that God has for us, and most of all... we have to truly trust Him.