I don't handle change that well... neither does most people I know. I also don't care for surprises... I am a planner... I like to know what I'm doing and when I need to do it. Life isn't like that though. There have been countless times that life has thrown me a curve ball... and I know it will happen again.
I am reading this really great book by Beth Moore called So Long Insecurity, you've been a bad friend to us. There is a section in there that talks about change and how these changes can cause insecurities in people. I am going to quote what she says... because it is so good...
"The truth is, God uses change to change us. He doesn't use it to destroy us or to distract us but to coax us to the next level of character, experience, compassion, and destiny. I hate to display such a firm grasp on the obvious, but how will we ever change if everything around us stays the same? Or what will ever cause us to move on to the next place He has for us if something doesn't happen to change the way we feel about where we are? God is thoroughly committed to finishing the masterpiece He started (Phil. 1:6), and that process means one major thing: change." Page 80
She goes on to quote this scripture...
Don't be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession. James 1:16-18, NLT
Change is good for us. We all have gone through change... bad or good. Lose of a job, birth of a child, a move, health issues, a promotion... and so on. Change shows us that we need to depend on God. Change is what He uses to grow us into the people He has called us to be. Change builds character and teaches us to persevere. Change is hard and it calls us to have to ask for help and trust in others.
I look back on my life and many things have led me to where I am today... but I know I wouldn't be where I am today if I fought those changes. There comes a point that I have to let go and let God handle it... and if it calls for me to lose, then I know in the end I will win, and if it calls for me to give... then I know God will take care of me.
God knows what He is doing... He is shaping my life... and I am His prized possession!
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