Provision/I Don't Have Enough: And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:19
Our Heavenly Father knows our needs... big or small... and He will meet those needs.
The one thing that really stuck out to me in this chapter, that I have read several times is when Sheila states... "When we come to the end of ourselves, Jesus, our Cleft in the Rock, calls. Come away with Me." We all go through those times when we are just done... we are worn out... and I can picture God just saying, "It's alright, just trust Me, rest in Me... I got your back. I know what you need."
Peace/I'm Afraid and Feel Alone: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. John 14:27
I am not one who likes the fast and crazy life style. I get stressed when things are chaotic. I love it when things are peaceful. In this chapter, Sheila talks about when Jesus calms the storm. He tells the waves "Quiet, Be still." I have felt Him tell my spirit that same thing at times. It is an amazing feeling when God calms the storms going on inside of us. We can have full peace in the midst of hectic times knowing that God is in complete control.
Confidence/I Can't See God's Plan in This Pain: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28
I will say, I got something out of every chapter in this book. This chapter spoke to me the most though. Maybe it's because I have had so much take place this last year... big things that have changed my life. I knew this promise, it is one of those verses I learned as a child. He does have a reason for allowing things to happen. God uses those rough and trying times in our lives to glorify Himself. We can have full confidence that God can use the worst of circumstances in our lives for good. He uses them to grow us closer to Him and to grow us into the person He has called us to be. We may not see why He is allowing these trails in our lives.
I think the hardest thing to get past is when something is done to us by someone, and it seems as if they don't have any consequence for what they have done. Not only that, but we don't understand the reason God is allowing it to happen. I do believe that God uses circumstances like that to teach us patience, trust, mercy, understanding and forgiveness. We need to be patient and know that we will know the 'why' to what is happening, it won't happen in our timing though. We need to be trusting and understand that God does have a reason for that trial and know that He is working. It might appear that the other person is prospering and having no consequences... but God sees the big picture. We see so little and know so little. We don't know the hearts of others, but God does. He'll work things out. In the mean time... we need to let God work in our hearts. Through His strength we can show mercy and understanding... and forgive. This is one of those situations where we can't do it on our own... we have to look to God and rely on Him to help us do the right thing. We have a choice to either allow hurt, sin and ourselves to rule us... or we can look to our Heavenly Father and let Him rule our life.
"In God's hands even the things that have broken us can be used by Him to make us whole again." pg. 70 Sheila Walsh
"To the child of God, there is no accident. He travels an appointed way." A.W. Tozer
Do we have confidence that God is using every bump and turn in the road to lead us back to Him and His promises?
Love/I Don't Believe That Anyone Could Really Love Me: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 8:38-39
This chapter shows us that God will love us no matter what. Some question, how can God love someone who turns to Him on their death bed as much as He loves that person who has loved and served Him all their lives? We are looking at love as being conditional... God doesn't. We are relating God's love to ...our human love. God's love isn't conditional, it isn't earned, and it's bigger then we could every fully understand. Non of us deserve it, but He gives it freely to everyone who wants Him.
He loves us for keeps and tells us: I belong to you, and you belong to Me... forever! pg.80
Grace/I Have Failed: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. -2 Corinthians 12:19
We all have bad days... days that we mess up, days that we lack faith, moments we sin. This chapter talks about how we are loved the same on the days when we feel we've done a good job as on the days when we know we've blown it. This is grace. Where we mess up, He mends it. Where we are weak, He is strong. Where we struggle with imperfections, He rushes in to touch us and lovingly shows us the way He sees us and calls us to be. He patiently listens to our doubts and fears and proclaims, I love you just the same! God's grace is made perfect in our weaknesses... this is the great ironies of our faith. When we are completely worn out, we have nothing left to give, and we fall flat on our faces... that's when we give Him the greatest gift we can give... our hearts, everything that we are. It's only in Him that we find the shelter and strength that we need.
Hope/I'm Broken : God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid." -Hebrews 13:5-6
There are times in our walk with Christ that He may feel far away. Times when we are hurting and going through trials that test and push us. Times when we call out to Him and it seems like He isn't hearing us... that He isn't taking care of whatever the situation is. We may even profess that God's got our back... He always keeps His promises. He will take care of everything. In our hearts though... we are confused, we feel like He is so far away.. that He is answering us. God doesn't want us to pretend our faith in Him. The fact is... He is always there. The Son of God came to this earth and experienced the dark for us so that we never would be alone. He sees what we go through, He allows it to happen, and He will get us through it. He will never leave us or forsake us. Turning to Him, calling out to Him, trusting Him, will allow us to know Christ with an intimacy we didn't know we could have.
You could certainly ask me, and I would tell you: He is light, the glory of God. He is grace, this amazing gift. He is the Cleft in the Rock into which you can retreat when broken and weary. You will find understanding in His shelter, and you will find hope in His presence because He will wrap His arms around yours. He will hold your faint heart with His nail-scarred hands. He will be there, always, an infinite comfort and hope. -Dr. Helen Roseveare.
Strength/I Feel Things Are Crashing Around Me : In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. -John 16:33
In this chapter Sheila talks about her struggle with depression. We all go through things that bring us down... lower then we thought we could go. I myself have gone through depression. I remember just praying that the Lord would just take my life. I remember just feeling broken... weary... and like I was nothing... I had nothing left to give. On page 137 Sheila writes...
"I didn't want to be vulnerable or feel out of control. I had taught myself through the years to take care of myself so that no one would be able to hurt me too deeply. But I discovered that when I protect myself from people, I shield myself from God too. The internal vows we make ultimately isolate us and cast shadows over the landscape of our lives."
This really hit close to home for me. It has been years since God brought me through my depression... but I do find that I isolate myself in fear of being hurt. I have a hard time letting people know me... really trusting them.
Sheila goes on to say...
"But we were not designed to live careful lives, holding back who we really are, our hopes and fears. True strength invited is to live with an open heart and soul, knowing that Christ has a good, strong hold on us."
Bad things are going to happen... but God is still in control. With suffering comes His comfort.
More/I Know There's Something Better :Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. -Matthew 7:7-8
This chapter breaks down the above verse. God is not distant or disapproving or disconnected, but a Father who loves to give good gifts to His children. When Jesus said to ask and it will be given to you... He is saying to ask and keep asking... be persistent... beg! When He said to seek and you shall find... He was saying to strive to find... look for. When Jesus said to knock and the door will be opened... He was saying... knock at the door with a heavy blow... Bang!
"Shout to God. Run to Him. Chase Him down. Bang on His door anytime. Live higher, with all you heart, but lean harder on God, with all that's in you- and you will find God there, always ready, ever waiting to give you even beyond what you need." -Sheila Walsh page 157.
Home/I Have a Future :In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. -John 14:2
God has promised us eternity. We will be with Him one day in Heaven where there is no pain and suffering... no lose or tears.
The one thing that struck me the most in this chapter is the fact that we don't always have answers for bad things that happen. Some questions will only be answered when we get home.
Christ's statement to John the Baptist begs a question that each one of us must answer at some point in our lives: will you love and serve a God you don't always understand? It is clear to me now that there are moments in life, heartaches that will make no sense this side of eternity. - pg. 181
I know that no matter the trials, no matter how many times I mess up, no matter if I feel like God isn't right next to me, no matter how worn out I may feel... God is with me through it all, He is my shelter, He is my hope, He will show me grace, and He will comfort me... and one day... I will be in eternity with Him... and I will say that it was all worth it.
This was an awesome book... I very rarely write in and mark up books... but I couldn't help it with this book. I would recommend this book to everyone!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com