Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Being Christlike: 20% Head knowledge/ 80% Action

My devotion time today was on being Christlike. Most of us remember the WWJD bracelets that were really popular. People were wearing them to remind them in their day to day life to think 'What Would Jesus Do?'

We were all made in the image of God... we are not talking about looks, although He must have a head... two arms... legs... etc. I see that the scripture is really referring to character likeness.

God said, Let Us (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, after Out likeness. -Genesis 1:26

What I mean in character likeness is that we were going to take on His nature, His character that was reflected in His son Jesus. As believers, we are transformed into His image and likeness. Jesus gave us prime examples on how to live Christlike.

We are to love one another... even our enemies. Look at how Jesus reacted when He was on the cross... He asked His Father "forgive them, for they know not what the do." -Luke 23:34

Jesus wanted us to serve one another... look at when he washed His disciples feet, a job that servants would do. After He washed their feet He said, "For I have given you this example, so that you should do what I have done to you." -John 13:15

We teach our children to "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you"... Do we really dig into that and know what that really means? Do we live that?

Jesus Christ went through everything we have and will go though. He dealt with the Devil and temptations that were put before Him. He felt anger... and betrayal... lack of understanding and rejection by His own people.

He also had friendships and had the support of community (disciples) and family.

Are we striving to be Christlike? Are we looking at the life Jesus lead... and looking to Him to make us into what He has called us to be?

"For even to this you were called, For Christ suffered for you, leaving you His example, so that you should follow in His footsteps." - 1 Peter 2:21

God is going to keep working on each of us until we get to the place where we act the way Jesus would act in every situation of life, until we manifest the same kind of fruit of the Spirit that He manifested. -Joyce Meyer

I know I have asked this before in one way or another... Are we looking at our trials and seeing past them to what God is trying to show us through them? Are we acting in the way Jesus would in those trials? Years from now will we be able to look back and know that we did exactly what God wanted us to do? When we stand before God will He tell us... "well done, My good and faithful servant"? That is my goal... I shouldn't need a bracelet to remind me.... I want to live my life striving to be like Christ. I want to love, forgive, support, and serve others.... and any other character trait God brings out of me.

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